Navigating the intricacies of the Income Tax Act can be challenging, especially for non-residents and foreign companies. Section 115A(1)(a)(i) of the Income Tax Act, India, is pivotal in understanding how specific types of income are taxed for these entities. This blog aims to demystify this section, offering clear insights for both individual taxpayers and business owners.

What is Section 115A(1)(a)(i)?

Section 115A of the Income Tax Act addresses the taxation of particular types of income for non-residents and foreign companies. This section ensures these incomes are taxed at rates different from those for residents, promoting fairness and encouraging international investments.

Key Points of Section 115A(1)(a)(i)

  1. Dividend Income from Units in International Financial Services Centres (IFSC)
    • Rate: 10%
    • Details: Dividends received from units located in an IFSC are taxed at a reduced rate of 10%. This concessional rate is part of the government’s strategy to attract investments into IFSCs.
  2. Other Dividend Income of Non-residents
    • Rate: 20%
    • Details: Any other dividend income earned by non-residents, outside the specific IFSC category, is taxed at 20%. This standard rate applies to dividends from Indian sources.

Pass-Through Income (Sections 115UA/115UB)

Pass-through income refers to income taxed in the hands of investors or unit holders rather than the entity receiving the income.

  • Section 115UA: Concerns the taxation of income for investors in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs).
  • Section 115UB: Relates to the taxation of income for business trusts and how this income is treated for unit holders.

Table: Tax Rates under Section 115A(1)(a)(i)

Income TypeTax RatePass-Through IncomeApplicable Section
Dividend from IFSC Units10%No115A(1)(a)(i)
Other Dividend Income of Non-residents20%No115A(1)(a)(i)

Purpose of Section 115A

The primary goal of Section 115A is to attract foreign investments by providing a favorable tax regime for specific types of income. This section also aims to offer clarity and simplicity in the taxation of income for non-residents and foreign companies.

Practical Implications for Taxpayers

For individual taxpayers and business owners, understanding these provisions can lead to better financial planning and compliance. Knowing the applicable tax rates and the nature of income can help in making informed decisions about investments and earnings.


Section 115A(1)(a)(i) of the Income Tax Act plays a crucial role in the Indian taxation landscape, particularly for non-residents and foreign companies. By offering concessional tax rates for specific incomes, it encourages foreign investments and provides a clear framework for taxation. Whether you are an individual taxpayer or a business owner, understanding these provisions can enhance your financial strategy and compliance.